I am checking out these DAC's for my system

I am building a system and all I have left to get is the DAC and maybe a streamer.  I really an at a loss on which DAC to get.  I am wanting to stream music and also use my system for watching movies.  My equipment currently is SMC audio tic-2 GT24 preamp and DNA.5 GT24 amp with GR Research NX-otica's and Open Baffle subs.  The DAC's that interest me are

Mojo Audio Mystique X SE- I will have to purchase used and I will need to use and adapter to connect to my TV because it doesn't have toslink.  

Mojo Audio Mystique Y-  It only has a USB connection so I am not sure how to connect to my TV.  Mojo audio DAC's have really good reviews but If they only had toslink.  I am really intrigued with the choke in the power supply.  I think there might be something to that.  

Holo Audio May KTE-  People say the mojo sounds better more natural but this DAC still holds a pretty good price used and doesn't last long on the used market.

Musetec mh-da006-  This DAC is interesting but I am afraid it will be fatiguing.

Audio Mirror Tubadour v-  This just seemed interesting but afraid tubes won't last very long if I watch a bunch of movies etc.

Denafrips terminator plus- These are always for sale used which make me nervous.  

If you have any of these DAC's or have listened them let me know from your favorite on down.  


@dbb also I have been streaming directly from my laptop to the mustec 006 Dac with a 15 f6 AQ usb cable from YouTube music ( i know it's temporary)  putting in an order for their innuos pulsar and network switch .

I have the Audio Mirror Tubadour V and was drawn to it because of the tubes. I dont have any experience with any of the others but the Holo Audio May KTE was on my short list as well. After reading about the tubadour..it just tripped my trigger. Vlad the owner is very accessable and answered my questions and was a dream to work with. I am sure if you reach out to him...you will be impressed...he knows about other dacs and may be able to answer comparisons on some of them. 

What impressed me was the quality of parts used.  Lundahl  transformers, Vishay resistors,GAIA isolation feet, Furutech gold IEC inlet, built-in USB re-clocker..just a lot of attention to detail. 

Needless to say I am a very happy camper.


Yes you want to keep the preamp. Only in very few and specific systems does a preamp not significantly improve the sound. Great preamps are a part of nearly all great systems. 

@ghdprentice I am definitely keeping the preamp.  The amp is a decendent of the SMC Audio VRE-1.  

@scp I am really interested in the Audio Mirror DAC and one of the Mojo Audio DAC's.  The Mojo Audio DAC's don't have TOSLINK.  Both have excellent parts and great reviews. 

The Holo Audio is excellent.  I love the sound and it’s very well built.