I Am Not an Audio Snob

Over the course of my 15+ years in the Forums, I have been called an "audio snob" a few times. Perhaps it was my attitude with the equipment being discussed, but I really am not sure. Which brings me to discuss my most recent purchase, a Schiit Lokius 6 band EQ. I ordered it last Friday afternoon (9-15-23) and received it on the following Monday! When I ordered it, the shipping time was 1-3 days and I received it in only 3 days.

My office system is 50% McIntosh, perhaps that is where audio snob came from, although Mac is no better or worse than other comparatively priced equipment. I am running the new JBL L100 Classic on their dedicated stands and supplement the bass with a single SVS PB2000 Pro sub. The room is extremely difficult, being on the second floor of my house and it is a big room. It has 3 dormers and slanted ceilings and the height of the ceiling is 18 feet. I have wall hangings on the slanted wall behind my speakers and various other wall hangings and some GIK room tuning treatments.

I was using a Bellari 4 band EQ in this system prior to my new purchase. First off, the Lokius is very nice, well built, high level of fit and finish for its price. It is dead quiet, and the controls are set up so you can’t screw up the sound too much. A few twists of the knobs here and there, and I am very happy. This was all in all, a very pleasant experience dealing with Schiit Audio. While I have no plans to make any further purchases, one never knows. I hope this puts the Audio snob to rest.


Audio snobbery is not uncommon on blogs like these, however I do not pay enough attention to it with the so many different handles on here to be able to make such judgment. I do like the McIntosh reference to it though. Do people go with it for sound or the multitude of blue lights? One can always guess.

On a side note, I also recently acquired a Schiit Loki, but the Max because of the remote. I don't use it that often but really enjoy it on poorly recorded material as needed. An absolute must if interested in the better sound to your ears for every record. And Schitt alone would get you off the snob category lol.


If you are an audiophile you are a snob.  You believe and act as if you know more about music reproduction (and music) then the average mid-fi/pop music consumer.  Many times it's true, but not always.  Now within audiophiles circles there are also levels of snobbery.  So what!  In and of itself snobbery is not all bad.  If you are very knowledgeable on a subject you sometimes have to say or demonstrate that knowledge.  Some people know how to do that without being a jerk.

Here I am. Attending a Christmas music special at a local church, sitting there comfortably on padded pew. Its a pretty big production with special lighting and decor, and a stage full of talented musicians. WIthin 30 seconds, I am in agony, with an uncontrollable impulse to rent some scaffording and rip out every foot of generic, commercial grade speaker wire feeding the speaker arrays, and replace it with real speaker cable. (And, maybe some interconnect upgrades?) Thin, anemic, edgy sound is not on my list of Top 10 life’s pleasures. Everyone else around me is smiling. I’m not. I put on my best poker face and hope to appear to be actively engaged in the performance for the next 90 minutes. "Just wonderful" is the comment I share with others as I’m existing the venue. I do want to add that I appreciated the effort, the talent of the musicians, the messages they conveyed, and the family time together. Just not the technical execution of the presentation,

I must be an audio snob. Guilty as charged.

Accusation of snobbery will not help anyone...

Communication of basic information priorities will help...

Elite training acquired perceptive habits are not snobbery...

We must not treat other as if they are out of a "group", snobs do this; but we must not put all taste on the same foothold either...We must discuss values, affective,cognitive, and spiritual, and perceptive one...

There is no democracy in art and science nor in philosophy...No democracy at all here... Sorry... 😊

Nobody pick his craftman worker by blind popular vote or by and for his "average" tastes...

In audio there is a "snobbery club" based on price tag which sometimes stay silent but is pervasive and implicit through threads but "elite" knowledge begins with acoustic and basic embeddings knowledge and goes beyond...It is not related to price tag...

Elite is not synonymus with snob attitude in any field...

But for sure various personality defects exist then from some elite levels may comes many snobs... 😁


The fact that the "art of the fugue" for example had more objective content value than a pop song does not means that this a snob claims ...This is only a recognition of musical history content for consciousness.. It is an "elite" acquired fact, meaning it must be learned first and experienced and ask for a minimal knowledge out of our innate taste for any pop song ..

Once this is said i enjoy as much Papas as the Mammas than Bach,... As i enjoy as much plain rough bread eaten on the road as the most refined gourmet meal...But i can differentiate the two, one answer to a momentary affective needs the other answer to a deeper need in the spirit/soul...

Hungry people are never snobs, only replete one are...😊

Radish taste are divine taste when there is nothing else to eat for us or when we cannot imagine eating anything else... I love radish by the way... As i love low cost audiophile results...





People call people names because they don’t agree with X. Cables being a prime example.  But as far as you being a snob?  I’ve never seen you try to rub peoples noses in stuff because your widgets are better than theirs.

All the best.