Accusation of snobbery will not help anyone...
Communication of basic information priorities will help...
Elite training acquired perceptive habits are not snobbery...
We must not treat other as if they are out of a "group", snobs do this; but we must not put all taste on the same foothold either...We must discuss values, affective,cognitive, and spiritual, and perceptive one...
There is no democracy in art and science nor in philosophy...No democracy at all here... Sorry... 😊
Nobody pick his craftman worker by blind popular vote or by and for his "average" tastes...
In audio there is a "snobbery club" based on price tag which sometimes stay silent but is pervasive and implicit through threads but "elite" knowledge begins with acoustic and basic embeddings knowledge and goes beyond...It is not related to price tag...
Elite is not synonymus with snob attitude in any field...
But for sure various personality defects exist then from some elite levels may comes many snobs... 😁
The fact that the "art of the fugue" for example had more objective content value than a pop song does not means that this a snob claims ...This is only a recognition of musical history content for consciousness.. It is an "elite" acquired fact, meaning it must be learned first and experienced and ask for a minimal knowledge out of our innate taste for any pop song ..
Once this is said i enjoy as much Papas as the Mammas than Bach,... As i enjoy as much plain rough bread eaten on the road as the most refined gourmet meal...But i can differentiate the two, one answer to a momentary affective needs the other answer to a deeper need in the spirit/soul...
Hungry people are never snobs, only replete one are...😊
Radish taste are divine taste when there is nothing else to eat for us or when we cannot imagine eating anything else... I love radish by the way... As i love low cost audiophile results...