I can prove your room is bad

So you want to upgrade?  You want to know what the next big thing is you can do for a better sounding experience?

Try this.  Pull up a chair 2' in front of your speakers.  If you can't move the speakers, put it up to just 1, and listen for yourself.

The difference between what you hear sitting in front of the speaker like this, and what you hear at your normal location is all in the speaker dispersion and room acoustics. If you feel mesmerized, entranced, and wowed by your speaker at 2' but not 8' you really should consider improving the room, and if you can't, consider getting speakers with alternative room coupling, like ESL's, line arrays, bi-polars, etc.

That is all,

So can unplugged subwoofers screw up the sound. Thanks to a fellow-phile on AA, who responded to my thread there where I stated that I was no longer using my 2 SVS subs (the tall ones), which are in the system picture that I provided.

He said unpowered subs, being used or not, will negatively affect the SQ. Late yesterday I removed them and was shocked. Where the SQ was on the thick side, post subs it dances like a butterfly

I agree that we are listening to our speakers and the response of the room in a locked relationship of excitation/response.
In an attempt to help a null around 85 Hz I got a bunch of GIK 244 series bass traps. Qty 4 24" x 24" squares (2 of those with flexrange), Qty 4 12x48, and Qty 2 freestanding panels. They work. 
Too much will suck the life out of the sound, and a little goes a long way. They are very effective. I'm still experimenting with the GIK and Vicoustic placement (done by ear mostly as the attempts to carefully quantify with REW /capable mic only took me so far); It's definitely worth the time and energy and is a learning experience I highly recommend if you are looking to squeeze as much performance from your gear as possible.
I am amazed by how much potential exists in our gear that just needs to be unlocked!
Acoustic treatments and power (cords and conditioners) are two huge pillars i've learned a lot about the past many months. Room tuning is both fun and exhausting, but very much worth the effort.

Mine sound just fine from where I sit....zero room treatment, just your average furnished room with both soft and reflective surfaces...I like my room and will not add UFO's to it....😁
Erik is right. You can dramatically reduce room effects by getting a line source bipolar ESL. Then you only need some acoustic tile behind the speaker nothing else. What you will notice is that the speaker sounds exactly the same at 12 feet as it does at 6 inches. Very spooky. The only manufacturer of this type of speaker now is Sound Labs. 
Excuse me. Bipolar is the wrong term. It should be dipole. Bipoles radiate from both sides in phase. Dipole the sides are 180 degrees out of phase.