Instead of pushing open doors why not thinking?
There is no opposition at all in audio science and in audio experience between any measurements and any subjective listenings experiments...Only possible and necessary correlation...Thinking otherwise is preposterous...
Those who promote those non sense are a minority of "fetichists" or "zealots"...
And asking for a proof because a listener claim it is a "fact" for him is a waste of time, not science....And all competent designer adjust and verify their audio design by listening to it after their measures standard procedure and adjust and fine tuned it after listening tests ... Thats all there is to say in this debate...
Subjectivist audiophile must all learn objective acoustic to control sound in their room...Most think this is secondary and they are dead wrong!
Objectivist engineer must study psycho-acoustic to understand our actual hearing theory limitation and possibilities...Those who dont do that are a minority and not the best there is...atmasphere here just spoke about the way the ears perceive harmonics and why this matter to a material designer... This is an example of a creative engineer ...
Now for the science of tomorrow read a trailblazer genius about the brain,
This scientist is amazing, his first book is one of a series of ten and he is the world specialist in rythm engineereing programming and science design of the brain...
Why reading it?
Because the way we think about the brain can illuminate what is sound, music and hearing...
I dont post about it to brag , like mean people will accuse me, i post it because i am AMAZED... An very happy to read his book...
Yes i am an enthusiastic mind...i spoke too much too... 😁😊
But i will not apologize to be a messenger for this interesting new work in brain research....
Yes i have a dam to give not because it is a big one, but because no one here gives a dam, save circling in a circle, and my posts tried to break this circle ... There is no S or O meaningful debate ...There is only few fetichists and a few zealots... I am neither one... You ask a question i give answers who point in a direction...At least...
What surprises me is that someone has a dam to give. Is it a big dam or a little dam? If it’s big, damn.