I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters

I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters and all seem to be pricy considering the value and appearance. But what if there was an answer that cost virtually nothing and you had the option to choose a multitude of designs and capabilities?
Glass is probably the best Neutral choice and what do we have in abundance. Used glasses (Goodwill). There are so many options around and possible just waiting one more day you can find exactly what you want and even if you don't like their choices there are options at stores that go far beyond what the High End Audio vendors offer. Here are a couple of examples:





@lukemaximus: No problem! Providing a link is always helpful, as not everyone is motivated enough to do a Google search him-or-herself. I really gotta learn how to do the link thing. Is it simple enough to post here? Perhaps I'm not alone ;-) .

The only difference between what is called leaded glass and that which isn't is the amount of lead used in the formulation. You actually ALMOST answered your own comment in the statement about the definition of Dielectric etc. I didn't claim that the lead makes a conductive path but that I DIDN"t know if it MIGHT have an effect on its properties. i.e Conductivity, Capacitance, Inductance...

I do not think that leaded glass if conductive.
If it were to sound different then I think that the inductance or capacitance would change, but I think that the only way to affect capacitance in an insulator of a fixed geometry, is with its dielectric constant.


One of the jobs I worked back in the day required me to get certified as a Master Mechanic. That was right before I went to USC to study Electronic Engineering.

So you spent some time in SoCal.

@bdp24 Yes, it's easy to post a link. Just click on the icon above this box to the right of the smiley face. It's supposed to look like a link of chain. Paste the URL of the webpage you want it to take the user to. If you type a few words into the "Display Text" box, that's the copy that will show instead of the long ugly https:asdfsfsdfsdfs.com. 

As an example here a link to a wonderful clip of Mavis/Nick Lowe/Wilco Cover "The Weight" During Rehearsal



So according to the link @invalid posted you want to have as much air around the cable as possible so any lifters shouldn’t surround the cable at all. I’m going to give them a try! 

happy listening ! 
