I like my Peachtree Nova300 more than my new (to me) Pass XA30.5 HELP!

I recently acquired a Pass XA30.5.  I have a LTA MZ2 on order to match with it, but in the meantime, I hooked it up to the preamp section of my Peachtree Nova300 using SE inputs/outputs.  I have Tekton Electron SE speakers and a Cambridge Audio CXC transport.  I found the sound of the Pass to be wooly, rolled off on the highs and not as clear or articulate as the Peachtree as an integrated.  There was a richness and liquidity to the sound but I lost detail and fidelity.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is the preamp section in the Peachtree not a good match with the Pass amp?  Is using the SE outputs severely compromising the SQ? I've read so many great things about the Pass XA30.5 and though it sounded good, I was kind of disappointed.  There was a trade-off with the Peachtree that I don't think I'm willing to make.  Anyone have any pointers or thoughts?

Is the preamp section in the Peachtree not a good match with the Pass amp?

Possibly. And, not unusual. Not all integrated amps have great preamplifier sections in them. Retry with the MZ2, re-evaluate then.  And, is the XA-30.5 brand new or fully burned in, over 300hrs already?
Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I can provide input here, but the Nova's preamp section was designed to pair with it's Class D amplification.  I'm not sure the same design would have been used if this were a Class A integrated amp - I'm referencing that Pass is Class A...at least to a certain wattage where it turns to A/B.
Yes, I'm not going to 'pass' judgment until I get a preamp that I know pairs well with the Pass amp.  I'm hoping that it's just a synergy thing.  The Peachtree pre section has an output impedance of 100 ohms.  Would that information have any bearing on whether or not it would play nice with the Pass?  decooney, I got the amp used from a guy who used it in his main system so I assume its well broken-in.  Don't know the number of hours though
Yes, I'm not going to 'pass' judgment until I get a preamp that I know pairs well with the Pass amp.  I'm hoping that it's just a synergy thing.  The Peachtree pre section has an output impedance of 100 ohms.  Would that information have any bearing on whether or not it would play nice with the Pass?  decooney, I got the amp used from a guy who used it in his main system so I assume its well broken-in.  Don't know the number of hours though

Ok.  No joke, I've seen people use them 50 hours, not read the manual, put 'em in a closet, lose patience, change through 2 owners, and the 3rd owner with patience wins and gets the gold at 250-300hrs burn-in.     

Also, in this test case scenario you are not just adding the Nova preamp circuit, your adding a pair of interconnects into the mix now too, right?. Lower grade interconnects can also be poor tone and soundstage passive equalizers too.  In some cases completely taking the life out of the sound IF too veiled over.  Just another thought in comparison.