I’m afraid my Audio Aero Capitole mk2 has died

I really love listening to CD’s via my Capitole, but now, the player has gone into a permanent state of ‘MUTE’.  I’ve tried turning it off and on, unplugging / replugging the player, but nothing helps.  A constant state of MUTE.  So, do I repair the player (in the past, I have used Peter Noerbaek at PBN Audio for repairs), or do I bury the player and purchase a new CDP / server?  Thoughts?


I had a Capitol years ago.  It was a very nice player for the times but improvements in digital since then are monumental.  Time to move on, imo.  I’d be surprised if parts are even available if you would attempt to repair.


Keep me posted as you figure out the fate of your AA Capitole mk2 player.

It is such a classic.


Happy Listening!

That player owes you nothing, and there’s a decent chance at that age that after you get this fixed something else will pop up.  I’d take this as a sign from the Audio Gods that it’s a good time/excuse for an upgrade.  Just my $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck. 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.  I must agree, sadly, that it’s time to look at something else. 

Well, when my CD player died a few years back, I scrapped it, purchased an excellent new very high-end streaming DAC, a music server, and never looked back.  I haven't spun a CD since.  Happy listening.