I'm looking at some sound suppression.

I have a friend that has sensory input issues (autistic) and I’m researching some good sound suppression for her. I came across something by a company called Pro Ears and they have an inner ear solution that they are calling Audiomorphic.

Now to someone that’s not an audiophile all that means to me is that it’s some hybrid audio device. Do any of you know what it is and how it works? I mean without directing me back at the manufacturers propaganda page :)


<edit>  The reason that we're looking at passive noise cancelling is that she can't deal with the pink noise that results from ANC.  </edit>


Showing 3 responses by dekay

Good luck.

Some medical doctors have a tendency to NOT recommend specific products (these are probably the good ones;-).

My wife is going through a similar scenario with her hearing assessment via our healthcare and actually obtaining specific hearing aids.



I use various passive ear plugs (Flint/Mack/Pro Ears).

The PE's are more expensive @ $10-$15/pair, but she really needs to try them for comfort as well as sound blocking function.

Some sizes of the foam plugs slip out of my ears, some larger ones are uncomfortable after a while and our cats like to squirrel away the corded PE's when I lay them on the bedside table.

I wear them for migraine and to reduce TV SPL's when my wife watches @ night (only TV is @ the foot of our bed).

I find all the cheap ones to be about the same sound wise (maybe minus 25-30 db) with a TV putting out 80bB+, but I rarely wear them in public as I tend to stay home with headaches.

Seems that the foam ones I used in the late 60's/70's/80's performed better than what is currently available, but perhaps I'm just getting more crotchaty.

