I'm Looking For the Best

I've been sitting on the fence, but now I'm willing to go whole hog and grab the golden ring atop the mountain in the clouds in the house upon the hill. I want the BEST. Not just in your opinion the BEST, but in absolute fact the BEST. Price is absolutely no object. I have terminal audiophilitis and the MDs are only giving me a few decades more to live, so I'm going to splurge. I want something that blows away the competition. I want something that immediately announces to the world that it is the BEST of the BEST. It should be designed by the best engineer and contain the BEST parts. It should remove veils, peer deep into the recording that the musicians see me sitting in the room looking at them play and have so much musicality that Sondheim writes his next score specifically for it to perform.

Any suggestions will be appreciated, but the BEST must have a direct input for an iPod.

Thanks in advance.
Boa2: Either Onhwy61 is practicing Law #3, or else he's practicing Laws #6, 25, 28, 32, 34, 37 and 40 while breaking Laws #4, 36, 45 and 46. All the same, I don't trust him and am taking appropriate proactive defensive measures, which I'm not telling anybody what they are, and also I might be lying about that, but won't say anything more because actions speak louder than words, of which I disavow all of mine...
Doug S., it's all about ego. I want a system comprised of the BEST components which would give me the BEST system which would make me the BEST audiophile. (It goes without saying that I would also have to have the BEST listening room in the BEST house in the BEST neighborhood). Only when I have reached the summit of BESTIALITY can I then become egoless and merge into the infinite nothingness of audiophile hedonistic universal sensuality. And just to show my heart is in the right place I will donate my old equipment to a home for hearing impaired ex-arena concert show engineers.

Nsgarch, would your BEST badge be large enough to cover the "Reference Signature Mk 3" label on the power supply chasis of my active power cords? You also implied that I was a flaming audiophile - I know what that means!

Boa2/Zaikesman, everybody and their mother-in-law is practicing the 48 Laws and it's time to move on. I'm told the estate of Gene Roddenberry is about the publish the Ferengi Laws of Acquisition along with a matching video and an optional weekend retreat seminar. It will probably debut #1 on the WSJ list.
I'm told the estate of Gene Roddenberry is about the publish the Ferengi Laws of Acquisition along with a matching video and an optional weekend retreat seminar.
If Leonard Nimoy is doing the soundtrack to the video, I'm placing an SACD on hold now with Amazon.
Onhwy61: How about we make a deal that when you've "reached the summit of bestiality", we'll just take your word for it and you won't post the pictures on your system thread...Thanks, you're the BEST!

P.S. -- Douglas, I think a short nap might be in order :-)
I'd recommend moving to Boston, buying a condo in the Prudential Towers, (a short walk to Symphony Hall) and a season ticket. You will also need to hire a hit man, because all the best seats are held by life long attendees, who usually pass them on to someone in their will.