I'm looking to learn about Air Motion Transformer technology

I'm curious about Wharfedale's use of Air Motion Transformers in their new Elysian line.  See http://www.wharfedale.co.uk/elysian4/

I'm admittedly in the dark about this technology even though other manufacturers have used it.  I'm curious about its use, potential benefits, sound signature, etc.

I just meant that relatively we overspend. Is a $2K tweeter with a $300 mid-woofer really a good balance?

P.S. - I am guilty of this myself. :)

So something like the Piega C711 is a real outlier.  Interesting technology, though.


"IMHO, I wouldn't get caught up in what they are made from or whether the substrate is Mylar, Kapton or cardboard. Go experience a pair. Only you know if they are right for you." 

Mike, FWIW, I had no intention of saying that 'only I know what's right' for @jbhiller and I don't think I'd ever want to say such a thing to anyone here. He asked a direct question and I gave him my best answer.

I'd like to think we mere mortals are allowed that sort of thing in a forum.

He's connected with Arion Audio, in Charlotte. 

I'm not trying to attack anybody at this point, I'm just hoping to get some clarification of what it was he meant to say, is all.
