I'm on StereoTimes...

Hey...Larry Staples here.
I'm former Director of Sales for THIEL Audio...a decade ago...then founder of LSA GROUP about 2007...designer...
I'm going to be featured as a contributor on StereoTimes ezine of Clement Perry Fame!
My first 'journal entry' is a story called "Miles and Me" a somewhat poignant story about me as a young 13 year old boy hearing him, Miles and being inspired...musically as an Alto Sax player...
It's kind of interesting and fun to read...had it's start on Audiogon....hope you'll readi it.

I've been wanting to read that article. I have looked on ST website and cannot find it. Not unusual, my Googler has be known to malfunction now and again.......
I read your article and really enjoy it and your perspective(loved the pictures of Miles,P.Chambers and J.Cobb). I look forward to your next article very much.
Finally found the article, no wonder I didn't see it, it was right in front of me!

Enjoyed the article, look forward to more, keep us posted.