I-Mac for computer audio?

I am thinking of replacing my desktop PC and getting into computer audio at the same time. I was wondereing if I could use an I-Mac instead of the Mac-mini I read so much about. By necessity (wife!), the I Mac would reside some 40 ft. from the rest of my equipment and I definitely want a hardwire connection for SQ. I have read that Mac-mini's are affected by jitter and don't know if the I-Mac would offer improvement in this area or not. I know I would need an outboard DAC but other than that I know next to nothing about computer audio but I'd like to learn. Does my plan (using an I-Mac as a desktop computer AND a music server) sound feasible?
I've been using an i-mac for a few years as both my desktop computer and music source. Very happy. Using Apple TV to stream to my big rig in another room.
I bought a 13"MacBook a couple of years ago, purchase a HRT DAC along with Decibel Software for playing back Music Downloads from HDTRACKS.com!! You will be hooked, for ever!! Although I spin a lot vinyl & still record my Lps to a 30 year old TEAC A-6300. Internet Radio Streaming is getting better by the day, check out RadioParadise.com for 196kbps streaming!!
The iMac works great. I have a mini and an iMac and I can't hear a difference.
If you want to do some reading,do a search in the archives.There is some very good info there.I use an Imac with pretty good results.I would say,that if you are using the Imac for things other than audio as well,get at least 8GB of RAM.And have fun!Ray