I-Mac for computer audio?

I am thinking of replacing my desktop PC and getting into computer audio at the same time. I was wondereing if I could use an I-Mac instead of the Mac-mini I read so much about. By necessity (wife!), the I Mac would reside some 40 ft. from the rest of my equipment and I definitely want a hardwire connection for SQ. I have read that Mac-mini's are affected by jitter and don't know if the I-Mac would offer improvement in this area or not. I know I would need an outboard DAC but other than that I know next to nothing about computer audio but I'd like to learn. Does my plan (using an I-Mac as a desktop computer AND a music server) sound feasible?
The iMac works great. I have a mini and an iMac and I can't hear a difference.
If you want to do some reading,do a search in the archives.There is some very good info there.I use an Imac with pretty good results.I would say,that if you are using the Imac for things other than audio as well,get at least 8GB of RAM.And have fun!Ray
I hate to be the wet blanket here but you should keep the distance from the iMac to your stereo about 2 meters or less.

I have a similar dilemma as yours where my iMac is across the room from my stereo. I used a 15' run of WireWorld USB to a Centrance Mini and 15' of Zu Mission ICs and thought I was getting really great sound. I also used the Centrance for headphone listening.

When I got a Schiit Bifrost, out came the Centrance to see duty as my desktop DAC for my headphone listening and for the Audioengine speakers. It was only then that I realized just how much better it sounded when using just 1 meter of USB. So I know that there was some degradation with the greater length.

The Bifrost sounded a bit better serving duty as the conduit from iMac to stereo until I changed around some ICs between my CDP and amp and then I knew I would have to spend a lot more to equal that quality of sound I was getting. I have since stopped listening to my iMac because it doesn't even come close to what I get with my good old CDP.

This is not to say that you'll get the same results as I did. But I'm a firm believer in hard wiring everything. I've read enough to tell me that wireless is good enough for casual listening but not for critical listening. Too much chance for something to drop off or interfere.

I don't want to start a war here about wireless. IMO it's just a convenience and not entirely reliable. Just my take on it. Maybe one of the PC gurus on this site can chime it with their take on it.

All the best,
To answer your 1st question, you won't have any SQ advantage by choosing an iMac over a mac mini. I have both, and both use the same optical out that causes some to complain about jitter.
I agree, however, with the post that questions your setup at such great lengths. I had this same problem, which is why I eventually settled on buying an older, used mac mini and running it "headless" - i.e., no monitor. Apple has an easy to use screen sharing mode where you can access one computer with another Mac.

If you don't want to go the 2 computer route, then you really should consider using an apple tv or airport express to stream wirelessly. Both of these devices have a digital that bypasses the internal conversion and lets you pass a bit perfect signal to a stand alone DAC. I can tell you from experience that they work great and, assuming you're running a wireless N network with the router positioned within a reasonable distance, you won't have any problems with drop outs. The only downside is you're limited to 16/44, meaning if you want to go high res everything you play will be automically downconverted. There is workaround to this, but it requires that you have an iPad (any generation)and still limits you to 24/96: http://www.benchmarkmedia.com/discuss/feedback/newsletter/2011/06/1/ipad-streams-high-resolution-audio-dac1