I need a TAG McLaren TAGtronic programming cable

I have a TAG McLaren Aphrodite that experienced a flash-memory failure recently. My only options are to send it to IAG in Huntington UK for a costly repair (mostly shipping...) or do a firmware update myself. But I need this cable for this procedure and of course IAG is willing to sell me one for $150.00.

Does any kind soul out there have one of these cables they could loan to me? Or better yet - is this cable just a fancy CAT5 or CAT6 cable or something generic that I could buy at BestBuy without all the expense?

Thank you in advance for any help and replies.....

Please help me Obi-Wan-Kenobee, you're my only hope
Hi Henrik,
Do you still have the Tagtronic Programming Cable? I need to buy one to re-program my TagMclaren AV F3 series 23R pre-amplifier. I could not find any in Australia. Thanks.

Hey hifijones! This is Obi-Wan. You are totally screwed. There is nothing generic about this programming cable; it's what you call "proprietary".

Get off the stump and buy one before it's too late.

Hmmm....I just felt a disturbance in the Force....