Hello Everyone!
First I really appreciate any input you might have for me!

I am very new to the audiophile environment. I have a Jeff Rowland Coherence One preamp and an Oracle Delphi MK II Turntable with Alphason HR 100s tone arm, and a Micro Benz Glider M2 MC cartridge.
I also have a Parasound Dac.

I am borrowing a Bryston 3b to power my speakers.. however I need to buy my own.

Bryston is great! however I need more power for my NHT VT-2.4 speakers which has a 88db sensitivity and are 6 ohms..
However they sound great with my other pair of ADS L810 speakers which are 88db and are 4 ohms...

I would like like to buy an amp and spend about $1.000

What would you all recommend???

Best Regards

A McCormack should work for you. Or, if you really want to go cheap, a pair of Adcom 555's monoblocked.
Parasound A21 would have gobs of power and may sound a lot warmer to you than the Brystons.

Very quiet, very good sounding, and reasonably priced.

If you must go expensive, try out Rowland's own amps.
@shinemaster ,
No ,but they have a 30 day return policy with a 20 year warranty . The amps get good reviews and the price is within your budget,so why not give them shot?
Post removed 
if you cant find a 1000$ amp to drive nht's satisfactorily then i suggest you just give up on this hobby. seriously, the nht's are not what most of this group consider primo altho i had them over the years and liked them a lot for slam and general sound, nothing amazing but still fine. you could find numerous used ss amps under a grand and find it pleasing. frankly i think the speakers are the limiting factor in this query. keep the speakers and dont listen to the negativity.