I need an economical but good phono preamp?

I have a Thorens 145 TT with Nagaoka MP11 cartridge, HarmonKardon DPR 2005 HT Receiver and JPW loudspeakers. I had a cheap phono preamp from Radio Shack but there is a very loud (annoying) hum. I ran my ipod through the preamp and still had the hum so I don't think it is the turntable.
Can anyone advise on an affordable (<$200), yet respectable phono preamp?

Showing 1 response by ihcho

My pick: Yaqin MS-12B tube phono preamp. With sock Chinese tubes it was just about as good as bellari vp129 and Clearaudio micro basic. But after changing to NOS tubes, it works noticeably better than those two and almost as good as my friend's Audio Electronics PH-1.