Songwiter, as the guy who started this thread I feel a need to comment.
What is your beef with Warren. His posts on this thread are fully appropriate. I raised the issue of stands and he commented about Starsound stands. He also mentioned some speakers I might try. I took his comment about my Europas being temporary to mean when I upgrade, the stands will be keepers. It is not unreasonable for him to assume that I will upgrade the speakers at some point -- I probably will.
For god's sake, the guy loves and is passionate about his gear. It's great that he shares his experiences. When he says his Caravelles are the greatest, no one assumes he has listened to every monitor out there -- he's just speaking from the heart. I, for one, appreciate the time he takes to share experiences. He has me interested in the Caravelle, but I'm not about to buy them on his word alone.
If you've heard his thoughts before, skip over this posts. Lots of other people might be hearing his opinions for the first time.
What is your beef with Warren. His posts on this thread are fully appropriate. I raised the issue of stands and he commented about Starsound stands. He also mentioned some speakers I might try. I took his comment about my Europas being temporary to mean when I upgrade, the stands will be keepers. It is not unreasonable for him to assume that I will upgrade the speakers at some point -- I probably will.
For god's sake, the guy loves and is passionate about his gear. It's great that he shares his experiences. When he says his Caravelles are the greatest, no one assumes he has listened to every monitor out there -- he's just speaking from the heart. I, for one, appreciate the time he takes to share experiences. He has me interested in the Caravelle, but I'm not about to buy them on his word alone.
If you've heard his thoughts before, skip over this posts. Lots of other people might be hearing his opinions for the first time.