I pulled the trigger, I bought OHM Walsh Micro Tall Speakers...

So I called John Strohbeen, what a great man!

He helped me select an appropriate model for my tiny little music room which used to be a bedroom that we blew the wall out of!

I am a big fan of 3 dimensional sound and the disappearing act of speakers, massive, deep and wide sound stage and I believe I made the right call. I considered KEF R series, Tekton Pendragon, Tannoy Revolutions and Sonus Faber. I think I made the right call.
Will be driving them with a Primaluna Dialogue Premium running kt150’s

Are any of you current or past OHM owners and if you are your opinions please!
OH MY GOD NO...DON'T DO IT...too late. To answer your question, 48 Primaluna watts equals 49 regular watts...everybody knows this so yes, that was a dumb question! Actually, if I may be serious for a moment, watts are watts, and tubes (which I adore) seem louder as they simply supply a different (and more pleasant) harmonic content than SS amps will provide...an exception is the Pass SIT amp which I'm now an expert on since I read something about it somewhere recently. My expertise will wear off shortly as I don't retain info about things that I don't really care about, and wait...there it went.
Evan said they were just starting a run of the 2000 series and I should expect them in about a month so should  be 2 or maybe 3 more weeks. I asked what amps they used to voice their speakers with. He didn't exactly say but did mention that in SS,  NAD was good for a budget amp  Parasound or McIntosh, in tube amps he did mention Primaluna as a good choice with KT 88. 
eag a watt is a watt. The difference is most likely in how much current is delivered in that OHM Walsh speakers (especially the larger models) tend to love current and good SS usually does that better. Also tube amps tend to soft clip which avoids harshness if clipping sets in but some solid state amps and many Class D amps in particular also do soft clipping.

See this for more info.


Bottom line is in general different amps of different design will sound different with the OHMs, especially with the larger models in larger rooms. As is the case with most speakers out there. My personal opinion from my experience is as the models get bigger, the more power and current the better in that the right size OHMs for a room can deliver pretty much anything you throw at them cleanly without ever breaking a sweat. Then again I have never tried a tube amp with them ( I go Class D only these days with the OHMs) but others have and reported great success.

In my main system I use Bel Canto ref1000m  (500w/ch 8ohm) to drive my large OHM 5s  and that combo is off the charts.   I use Bel Canto C5i (60 w/ch 8 ohm)digital integrated with my smaller 100s (albeit in a similar large room area) in my second system and the only constraint with the sound there is I can't go to concert levels with that like I can in my main system.

Thank you Mapman, I think in my very small 12x12 room the Primaluna with KT150's at 48 watts per side should be sufficient, or at least I am hoping.

I do understand the sensitivity of the OHM's are low 85dB but the upside I hear is worth a shot!