All acoustician are fraudster because they trust their trained ears and do not only takes measures...
There is a big difference between hearing an unknown piece of gear from an unknownm system in unknown room condition and hearing the same piece AFTER you embed it right mechanically, electrically and acoustically in your room ..
After doing that i trust my ears without the need of double blind test ABX device , those who think otherwise had never embed their system properly or they are deaf and so untrained they dont trust their own feelings and perception...
They need to know for sure if what they feel can be approved by others and verified as perfect even if it means negate what they hear and prefer what the measuring tool say...Why not? they are fee to do so but by depreciating the way others do it for ideological reason then ? 😊
People are contaminated by corporations safe guideline or sometimes propagandap ....Double blind test are one like randomised trials over clinician observations... Useful in industry useless in my room and i prefer a free doctor to big pharma...