I am not interested by cable threads ...
There are annoying for me because the cables changes are often evident and minors change anyway compared to most others in the acoustic , mechanical, and electrical dimension...
I was able to tune by ears my 100 resonators ( it was an acoustic experioments as with piano tuning) the results were not thin, but so amazing it changes the way i understood acoustics because my ears catch it not my brain placebo prone...Who will accuse a piano tuner of placebos effects in his job ?
Then i learned to trust my ears and they are biased yes and prone to some illusions as anybody but they also work for a specific job, then how could i need a ABX double blind test for verifying my cables choices if i dont need it for my room after thousands of changes in a 2 years 7 days on 7 of experiments ?😊
The room is tuned for my ears system not for a circus ?
Then why coming in cables thread arguing with people ?
To show your engineering credentials ?
It is useless because no one here will travel to a James Randi show to debunk his cables buyings which can be for sure debatable as any buyings ..
Cables may differ and differ in my experience with the rightfull system in the right room minimally well installed but nothing compare to the modification of a single straw size located at some point in the room...😁
Do i need a test to verify this claim about a single straw ?
No it is an acoustic principle : It is the basis of Helmholtz resonators ...
Try it ...
But the straw must be put in the right volume, at the right place, and of the right size... Train your ears ... It is funnier than arguing about cables and more useful to demonstrate how your hearing work and can be trusted to some limits... And you will learn your room pressure distribution zones with your body...Not by a computer measuring tools... That was my goal train my hearing "by hands" so to speak for the fun and for learning ... 😊
Acoustics is something we feel with our body not only something we write and compute on a paper ...
The greeks were acousticians designing without electronics acoustic marvels and the Egyptian too ...Do they passed ABX double blind test ?
I will be frank i dislike techno-cultism who plague the world right now and that some call science... The last years demonstrated to us the results of coupling techno-cultism as science and in place of science and big corporations together ..
i will stop here ...
«I am an acoustician Amish»-- Groucho Marx🤓