I Would LOVE to see.

I would love to see what some of our treasured artist that we love so dearly, who we lost early would be doing today. My favorite artist I have followed since 16, now 66, Van Morrison, Dr.John and Bob Dylan to name a few have led me on a musical journey that in some ways I almost feel like we have spent physical time togeather. The artist that come to mind for me quickly are John Lennon, Gram Parsons, Otis Redding. Who comes to mind for you?
Laugh if you must but Karen Carpenter's loss was incredibly tragic.  She had a voice as smooth as velvet with great control.  She was a capable drummer as well.  Richard's release remastering some of their greatest tunes with the backing of the RPO is fantastic!  Absolute system showpiece.  Is it ear candy, YES!  Nothing wrong with some sweets once in a while.  Give it a listen and see if you don't find a smile on your face.😁
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@hifiman5 , actually Karen Carpenter is who I was thinking about when I started this.