IC advice needed

I need to replace a set of interconnects and my local dealer has a limited selection. I was thinking about buying the Audio Quest "Jaguar" at $300 per meter. I would rather not drop that much on an IC right now. What used IC in the $200 range would better the "Jaguar". What about the DBS technology? Is that all it's cracked up to be?
I need new IC's in order to listen to music, so a quick decision is needed. Any advice will be most helpful.
Good advice given above. 2 other cables you might want to check out used include Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref and Luminous Audio Tech Synchestra Ref.
I'm surprised no one has recommended the Coincident Speaker Tech CST IC. While investigating IC possibilities I have come across some (all of them) excellent reviews. Last year's Recommended Components listed this IC in Class A and Class B. In fact, went so far as to list only the Coincident CST in class B, saying that after these IC's, there was no point in listing any others. The kicker is they retail for $300.00. Anyone out there familiar with this IC?
While i don't know the specific models, I think that Joe aka Trelja has some experience with the Coincident IC's. From what i recall, he found them to be great performers. I'll drop him a line and maybe he can help you out. Sean
Yes, Sean to the rescue again!

I think his initial recommendations on Radio Shack, Monster, Acoustic Research ilk is incredibly good advice. I would also add AudioQuest Jade. While things definitely do improve from these cables, I believe it wise to get your feet on the ground first, find out what you like, where your system is and where it is going before spending a lot more.

If you want to move up from these truly entry level cables, I will caution you that things don't get earth shatteringly better. You won't look taller or thinner, and women won't find you more attractive. The sun will come up again tomorrow, but it still would have anyway.

I also concur with Sean on the merits of The Cable Company. Likewise his recommendation on Alpha Core Goertz cabling. I have one other very cheap suggestion that is reference level cable for $99/meter. It's actually the EXACT same cable as one of the highest regarded, which sells for $1400/meter.

As far as Coincident CST IC goes, I am a huge fan of it. It is a very even handed sounding cable, sounding great in every instance and system I have ever tried it in. It's a hair on the warm and rich side. No real area of the frequency spectrum stands out from the rest, which can be good or bad, depending on what you are looking for. And, finally, it fits into my requirement of reference level cable for under $300. You could obviously do better than that used.

My favorite IC is HomeGrown Audio Silver Lace. For $189/meter, it is a true reference cable at a price just above entry level. Despite the conventional wisdom on silver, this cable is liquid sounding. Midrange and treble are just right, and the bass is very full and powerful. In my system, it's the best I have tried. If you are running a solid state system, I am unsure about how you would like it, so think Alpha Core or Coincident might be better moves for a destination cable. The cheaper cables listed at the top of this post being good right now.

AQ cable always looks to be the best thing since sliced bread on paper. I have one speaker cable, and one IC now. And, I have owned several others, including a shotgun double run of Dragon SE. AQ tends to be the most underwhelming cable product I have come across. I always expect it to sound rich and harmonic, with great bass after reading their literature, but it normally sounds thin and lightweight to me. Dragon SE was definitely the most explosive bass cable I have ever tried, but its relentlessness otherwise drove me crazy.