Rtn1, In answer to your statement as how one gets to great music with class D, I will give a brief summary.
First of all, your notion a tubed preamp is necessary is far off the mark. I have a class A preamp, and would never consider trading it for any tubed affair.
I started some 5 years ago with my attempt to make good music out of class D. I use to use all Pass Labs gear. Back then the Pass preamp hung on until my amp builder made a preamp that produces miracles. It works perfectly with the low impedance of ICE modules.
Through all latter changes, the amps (mono H2O) and preamp (H2O Fire) have remained. With every improvement I made in my system, my power end obliged passing on the improvement.
There are tubes in my system, four to be exact. They are in my Audio Note DAC. This particular DAC has been transformed with a minor adjustment replacing four diodes. I have found, on my system, all the great number of oversampling CD players, including SACD, sound atrocious.
Last of all, I found out how utterly important the cables are. This system is so transparent that every misstep will announce itself loudly. All insulated cables produce a hiss. Paul Speltz, on his site, describes the phenomena succinctly. My system proves Paul is correct. I found no speaker cable served my needs. So, I created one.
To summarize, the only component that has a signature is the AN DAC, and what a marvelous sound that is. My system will match your, "depth, warmth, flow, naturalness, transparency, and beauty of live acoustic music," plus dig deep into hither to unknown recesses of every CD. All the 90 db dynamic range is utilized. My 1 ohm speakers sound the same at any loudness level. No other type amp can do that through 1 ohm speakers.