At the risk of getting nailed with the bean-counter. . .mine's a little different. If I could switch places, it would be with Paul Simonon on the 21st of September, 1979. On that night, I was caught on camera, at the New York Palladium, performing the ultimate rock-and-roll move. I smashed my guitar.
I would go on to be bronzed in the annuls of rock-and-roll history, when my image lands on the front cover of the greatest rock-and-roll album of all time. My photo speaks, without ever saying a word, for an entire generation of angry youth, and summarizes all that was wrong with music at the time. Me, my picture, my band, and our album, helped change the face of music forever.
I would go on to be bronzed in the annuls of rock-and-roll history, when my image lands on the front cover of the greatest rock-and-roll album of all time. My photo speaks, without ever saying a word, for an entire generation of angry youth, and summarizes all that was wrong with music at the time. Me, my picture, my band, and our album, helped change the face of music forever.