If Money Were No Object... A Fantasy Question

Let's say you're filthy stinking rich and had $1,000,000+ to spend on an audio system. What would you do, assemble a single SOTA system or for the same amount of money put together multiple very high quality (and certainly not cheap) non-SOTA systems.

This fantasy is in the either/or format. Points will be deducted for thoses who answer "both".
Nrchy: Since cost is no object here, I have decided that the proper decision is to buy the Walker turntable WITH the Walker tonearm AND also buy the Shroeder tonearm and then A/B the two arms and select the "BEST" tonearm of the two top contenders. I suspect that the Shroeder model 1 will sound superior. On second thought I have decided to buy the Rockport Sirius 111 INSTEAD.
Definitley the separate dedicated listening house. Then a cross country (World) trip visiting all of the reputed best manufacturers and having the compononents built to my specs and desires.
Mint604, while limit yourself to just one turntable and just one arm on each table? Take a tip for Raul (I believe). Get Lloyd to make you a custom table with his linear tracking arm and an extra arm mount for a Schröder. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. :-/
Aroc: I bought one of your tonearms on E-Bay 3 years ago. It was a 16" Shure Dynetic with built in cartridge(the worlds first stereo magnetic cartridge circa 1957). Since (IMHO)it is still the best tonearm AND cartridge ever made I'll mount that onto the Walker and thro out the Walker arm .Its hard work trying to spend One Million dollars on stereo equipment.If I find out that a Lenco ($99 new) sounds better than a Walker and the $20 Shure M3D dynetic sounds better than a ZYX Universe have I defeated the purpose of answerning this thread question?