I wouldn't have anyone but Nordost alter their cable.
If you can, up your game and get Heimdall. That's where it starts with their specific engineering. It's more of the "middle of the line" for all the Norodost traits. I started off with Blue Heaven and eventually went all Heimdall from the wall to speakers. Worth the expense if your ears agree with the Nordost way. Otherwise, you probably can find another brand for less, with similar traits.
If you can, up your game and get Heimdall. That's where it starts with their specific engineering. It's more of the "middle of the line" for all the Norodost traits. I started off with Blue Heaven and eventually went all Heimdall from the wall to speakers. Worth the expense if your ears agree with the Nordost way. Otherwise, you probably can find another brand for less, with similar traits.