Marketing is like the news. It is so dishonest it is not worth 2 seconds of anyone's attention.
Hi Fi and music are two completely separate issues that just happen to interact. Hi Fi is analytical. Music is emotional.
Soldering is easy. The key is a hot iron and speed. You want to complete the connection before you burn everything. Wiring is an artform. Watch this
Many of us do this a-s end backwards. We make changes expecting something, anything to improve. It is best to analyze the situation, identify problems and formulate fixes for these specific problems. Institute the fix and see if the problem goes away. You are done when you have no more problems.
Hi Fi and music are two completely separate issues that just happen to interact. Hi Fi is analytical. Music is emotional.
Soldering is easy. The key is a hot iron and speed. You want to complete the connection before you burn everything. Wiring is an artform. Watch this
Many of us do this a-s end backwards. We make changes expecting something, anything to improve. It is best to analyze the situation, identify problems and formulate fixes for these specific problems. Institute the fix and see if the problem goes away. You are done when you have no more problems.