If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck

Please leave your thoughts: love it, hate it, somewhere in between or indifferent? And I apologize for the bad dancing white guy in the video. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
@frogman I appreciate your viewpoint and I think you are on to something that flavors several posts regarding, the label "funk." Clearly, I accept a broader definition than others, but honestly as long as we are sharing music I'm good with any post that furthers the conversation and provides an example. Keep it coming. Oh and that Jaco P. post--love it. My bass player son spins the vinyl Jaco Pastorius S/T routinely. JP is one of his bass idols (the other is Marcus Miller). (My kids follow real deal quality players--and they crawl all over new music too that is not has "technical.")
@grey9hound Thanks for the new Wulfpeck link and the DLO3 link too.
@shadorne Great AWB Live link--everybody should love this one.
Oops previous post should have said "Vulfpeck" instead of Wulfpeck. My bad--apologies to @gre
Sounds like you have two sharp and talented kids, astewart; congrats.  What a great thing for siblings to do together, play music!

@frogman Great Brecker Bros. link. Thanks, my boys are twins and a lot of fun--currently working out Snarky Puppy "Lingus" bass and drum parts. We live in Dallas so any band that has a whiff of a UNT grad (formerly North Texas State) they are generally interested in hearing more. Pretty cool.
Great thread!

I’ve been a massive funk fan for as long as I can remember (even played for many years in a funk/disco tribute band 16 members strong, 5 singers, full horn section...man that was fun!).

Anyway, I like funky music of every description, every era.

But for me, in my world, there is a Funk Event Horizon. All that came before was leading up to it, all that came after came out of it.

I refer to Zapp’s More Bounce To The Ounce:


For me it is the best pure, and hardest slamming bass/drumline of all time. It could loop for eternity and never stop moving my butt. The guitar playing is awesome, but it’s put over the edge by Roger’s Talkbox performance, which are the funkiest riffs I’ve ever heard. I swear I must have written 5 funk songs just ripping off bits of Roger’s Talkbox improvising because it’s so hooky.