If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money

I just got in-house the Jay's Audio CDT-2 MK3 transport to review for hometheaterreview.com.  The build quality and physical appearance make it hard to believe that it retails for around $2,400.  Right out of the crate not even broken in yet, it's out performing my CEC double belt transport in the reference system.  It retains all the liquidity and analog smoothness of the belt driven transport but offers more details, tighter bass frequencies, and a larger layered soundstage with more air between the players.

Alvin, of Vinshine Audio set this review up with me, so if you go to his website you can get a lot more details/pictures on this transport.  The reason I was motivated to review a CD transport was I received scores of requests from my readers asking what is a great sounding transport, for a reasonable amount of money.  So far, in spades the Jay's Audio CDT-2 MK3 fits the bill easily.   
I recently purchased a used PS Audio Perfect Wave Transport.
I had heard a PWT hooked up to my DAC at a HiFi Club meeting, the club are very lucky to have a venue that is a Hi End HiFi  Showrooms listening room.
The devices brought along by the attendees are all given a audition through a very expensive system. 
So it is a great get together, and a real treat for those who attend, especially the one bringing their devices
I am only recently leaning to CD replays, I have a long history with vinyl, and was not a supporter of CD as a source.
In 2017, I dug out a old Cheap purchased CDP, Hooked up a CDP to the main system for the first time.
Played a few tracks on it, using the Childrens CD's that have been left behind, from when they fledged the nest.
I was not impressed in the usual way, but left wanting to hear music that was more fitting to my tastes.
I visited a few local charity shops and for  approximately $60 outlay across a few shops had purchased approximately 50 CD's.
That was a pleasure to experience, and quite stimulating.
There was quite a difference between the CDP and Vinyl, but my inquisitive mind sought out a few CDP experiences to be had on the home system, using alternative sources and even though I did not make any further purchases during 2017, I was aware that a CDP can nip at the heels of a vinyl set up, or even surpass it.
In 2018, I purchased a Custom Built DAC, a valve power regulated and valve output stage, based on the 1541 Chip.
This took the CDP experience to another level. I was very satisfied with this purchase.
With the CDP doing so well through a DAC, I was becoming interested in Transports and a few used models were on my radar.   
There was vinyl day at the HiFi Clubs meeting, I was attending and took along the Custom Built DAC, just to see if I could get a go with it on the system, after a long day of listening to vinyl, I got my chance to put the DAC in action, it was connected by digital coax to the PWT,
I was quite impressed and immediately formed the view that the PWT was a cut above a CDP being used as a transport.
As a result I intensified my investigations of used CDT's and was in possession of a Shortlist with a maximum purchase price of £1500.
I was aware of Jay's CDT models, and very aware of the PWT, RIGHTLY or WRONGLY, I was single minded on the PWT, and a little bit apprehensive of other Brands.
A option on a purchase of a pick up only PWT become available as a used sale item. It was sold to me for a very fair asking price, and I was fortunate to receive assistance with picking the device up.
It has been in use and much enjoyed, it has been auditioned by a group of five, with the DAC at a valve rolling day, and got a favorable but mixed reception about its presentation.
I have recently discovered that a local HiFi Dealer has Jay's CDT's in their possession, so after reading all the previous posts, I am curious to set up a trial between the two, using my DAC, and the dealers recommended DAC.
If it is of any interest, I had a good communication with the PWT Vendor, and asked the inevitable question, " Why is it for sale ", he said he was using a Primare DVD Player as well,
and it was hard to distinguish the SQ between the two, so he was settling for the more versatile player, and did not see the need for running two players parallel.       



Man, I’m trying to remember the last time someone got so bent out of shape because someone didn’t post a review. Amazing.

@teajay is so available to so many that I guess some people believe they are owed real-time instantaneous access. Anyway, my guess is they have already purchased the transport and they want @teajay to validate their decision or....they are sitting someplace waiting for @teajay’s review to tell them its ok for them to go out and purchase it. In either case, what a shame. To resort to profanity because he didn’t respond to you in the timeframe you deemed appropriate?

What’s happened to the esprit de corps that used to permeate the hobby?

I would be very interested in your findings, if you are able to do this comparison between the PWT and Jay’s CDT. Please return here and let us know how it goes. Thanks. 
You started all the interest in the CDT2 Mk2 with this very thread and I have been asking you for more than 6 months when the review will be posted on "Home Theater".

You never even had the decency to post to this thread that you will not be posting a review.

Therefore I'm pissed-off.

Why are you so bent out of shape that a review didn’t materialize? @teajay moved from HTReview to 6moons and 6moons may or may not have wanted to review the transport (again). Maybe the original review belonged to HTReview and they chose to shelve it? Things happen.

While it isn’t my place to convince you to be rational, your anger is simply hard to understand. Are you somehow associated with the company and you were counting on the review to create more awareness for the product? Are you waiting to make a purchase decision and you were waiting on the opinion of a total stranger to decide?  

I love this hobby but maybe you should take a step back and realize most people post their thoughts and findings about various equipment to be of assistance to their fellow forum members....this is how @teajay started out...just like the rest of us. It would be appropriate at this time for you to realize he owes you nothing...not a reply, not a review, nothing. If HE chooses to communicate with you and you are civil, you might get some interesting info from him directly but if I were him, after seeing some of your posts, I might not bother to communicate with you.