@teajay To answer your question is yes. Unfortunately about five minutes ago was the very first time, though. I didn’t even remember that thread existing until you mentioned it earlier and I then asked someone to post the link so I could see what you were talking about, but the link won’t open, thus causing further delays. But to your credit, it does give a credible explanation for the whys and why nots of the ill fated review. Obviously, I wish I had seen it in a timely fashion and none of this subsequent discourse would have occurred.
So in light of this recent development I want to offer sincere apologies for casting negative aspersions your way. Taking into account that I did not have exposure to this information til just now, I hope you can understand why I felt my simple question was being ignored. But just as i am offering up mea culpas to you now, you might consider doing the same for @garrard. As pointed out previously, his two/three "where’s the review" inquiries were, indeed, not responded to and he cannot be held accountable for failing to stumble across the post in the other thread that gave the answers.
In terms of the dealings between us, you are exonerated and I hope this will finally put the matter to bed. It’s just audio, folks.
So in light of this recent development I want to offer sincere apologies for casting negative aspersions your way. Taking into account that I did not have exposure to this information til just now, I hope you can understand why I felt my simple question was being ignored. But just as i am offering up mea culpas to you now, you might consider doing the same for @garrard. As pointed out previously, his two/three "where’s the review" inquiries were, indeed, not responded to and he cannot be held accountable for failing to stumble across the post in the other thread that gave the answers.
In terms of the dealings between us, you are exonerated and I hope this will finally put the matter to bed. It’s just audio, folks.