Funny you should mention BestBuy
I know, I know, the first three words of English you learned was "attention K-Mart shoppers". my bad.
Forget the link I posted for you to get professional help, use this one instead.
As per my personal preferences for my room setup the Toole uses the same setup as me (right down to using a center height channel and using front and rear book shelves as height channels AND a VOG channel):
Abbey road studios mixing Pink Floyd immersive audio, same. I also use active speakers for bed channels and have active speakers mounted high as height channels, sounds better and save a lot of space and money. They are using Neumann active monitors, I use Paradigm Active Reference 40 and 20's:
Here is a takeaway about acoustics from both setups, notice the MLP is equidistant from the front and back of the room. This was a HUGE improvement in my room when I moved my MLP to same and NOT the one listed in the dolby specs which is closer to the rear wall FWIW.