Importance of Amplifier versus Preamp?

New in the field. I am wondering what is most important: a great amplifier with a good preamplifier, or a good amp, with a great preamplifier? Or should I look at a good amp with a great do certain brands make amplifier to go with preamplifier and receivers?
Thank you kindly.
The amps have specs that are likely not a lot different from high end amps.

The preamp however is a different matter- I would seriously look for a budget tube preamp for this setup- that would offer the most bang for the buck in terms of improvement in sound, if the tube preamp is in good working order.
FWIW, I just bought and set up a pair of stand mount monitors from Music Direct (Wharfedale Dentons at half price ($500). I used a tube amp and they sound far beyond my expectations. They are well reviewed in the English mag's. Caveat - they are rear ported and won't sound too good backed up to a wall.
It is often said that your amplifier is the engine of your system, and the preamp is the heart. Both are important and should work synergistically. I previously ran a Boulder 1060 amp with a heavily modded Ayon CD-5s as linestage and that combo worked very well. With that said, the Boulder had a bigger influence over the sound. Same deal with my previous Classe power amp. So i'd have to give more weight to the power amp, then pre. With pre/power combo's I generally prefer a ss power amp with a tubed linestage which gives you the option to roll the stock tubes with better matched NOS tubes (unless we're talking about Vitus, Soulution or Goldmund).

Another option to consider is a good integrated amp. There are some really nice integrateds out there which can be had at a bargain 2nd hand such as Hegel, Luxman, Modwright, Simaudio Moon Evo and Musical Fidelity, as well as tubed integrateds such as Vac & Leben.
It's an easy experiment.
First try running without an amp.

Then try without a preamp

Which is more important will become perfectly clear.
Overall, as far as this thread goes; I'm in agreement with Mapman. If I needed RIAA eqing, perhaps I might feel differently.