Importance of streamer in audio chain

I have a wiim pro with a Deshelli dac 4399 chip and sparks op amps. Would I notice a difference by upgrading my streamer? My other equipment is a Rogue cm2 and Falcon Q7 speakers. 


The OP misspelled, it's Geshelli Labs DAC here which seems like a sonic bargain at it's modest price point.  

I stream and play CD's with the same DAC.  Since streaming is so easy to do compared to getting up and changing CD's, I've been streaming most of the time and liking it.  A few days ago on a whim, I stuck in one of my favorite CD's,  a Steve Miller blues album and now I know my streamer needs upgrading. Don't let anyone tell you it is just x's and o's.  

I forgot to mention my Cd player retailed for $10,000 and my streamer was $1700.

I ran into two gentlemen yesterday who said newer Apple iPad and laptops connected directly to a DAC is the best option. Apple is lossless now. I am under the impression that computers are noisy and not a good option. Streaming is about lowering the noise floor. I was told I was wrong, the Pple is better. I do not think they were right.

Streaming is about lowering the noise floor. I was told I was wrong, the Pple is better. I do not think they were right.

@daledeee1 No, you’re right. A multipurpose device like an iPad or laptop are very compromised sources for streaming music. Anyone who tells you otherwise hasn’t heard a good streamer or their system/ears aren’t capable of discerning the difference. I started streaming with an iPad (with an upgraded Lightning/USB adapter) and it was fine, but my cheap CD transport sounded much better, and when I added a decent streamer the sound was even better still and left the iPad in the dust. Just use your ears and you’ll know.