Imported audio are you getting the same level of performance vs domestic priced equip?

Imported audio usually runs 15-30 % higher in the country the equipment is exported to vs the country of origin. This is understandable with the issues of import fees, shipping costs and distributer mark up.
I’ve gasped at times the difference one pays for the same product only because the product is being sold in a different country. If you take a domestic product at the same price point that’s not marked up with the extra costs logically you would believe the domestic product is superior since you are not looking at a 15-30 % mark up. 15-30 % is usually where you see a company offer something better
than the previous price point. This is not always the case sometimes it’s 50 % above the lesser product. If I buy a $10000. Speaker from a foreign company that sells for $7000. In the country of origin, I’m paying $10000. for a speaker that’s actually a $7000. Performing one. Take Focal audio for instance the Kanta vs Sopra are all priced about 20% apart as you move up the chain. Each step up is an improvement over the other, they say. So I’m actually paying more for less by buying foreign audio equipment here in the U.S . 
The point I’m trying make or the answer I’m seeking to my question is are you getting less for your money buying foreign audio equipment than domestic ?
if you can't find a good Australian made speaker you can't be looking very hard-Krix,Osborn ,VAF,Legend,Adelaide Speakers,Duntech,Lenehan ,Hulgich ,SGR all make excellent speakers.
They make excellent kangaroos too.
I prefer Space X rockets to any European rocket. 
@verdantaudio I assume you are referring specifically to the Joseph Audio Pulsar. Pretty much any ID company can deliver you the same product for half the price or less. They intentionally priced that speaker with a massive arbitrage gap.
@wildfoxinn The Pulsar may be an example   but there are many examples and I would not suggest zeroing in on one.  I have done a lot of research on speaker pricing and now know what goes into each box.  My plan is not to list off my competitors that I might deem a poor value.  

Audioholics has done an an interesting article on this and what makes a well made speaker and examined the value ID companies offer vs major manufacturers.  As I am building out my line, I have learned they were 100% right.  

They also point out “marketing claims” from ID companies that are ways to cut corners and lower costs at the expense of sound quality but are spun to sound like they are better.  For example - bracing adds mass and increases vibration so if you don’t brace your speaker will sound better.  

Since Chinese companies pay a lot less for labor and probably don't have environmental standards we have they can sell for less. I like buying American as most audio products are made to high standards and perform flawlessly.
It's also easier to contact the owner for advise and service if ever needed