In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.

I know of another clown who speaks with the eloquence and clarity of alphabet soup :) Wonder if the new meds will help?

Regarding the OP's question. I don't know. What is or is not "proper" to do during a time like this? Lets forget the quality of the gear for a minute, or their opinions of it for that matter. This is a question of appropriateness. Should the world stop completely? Should hobbies and interests be shut down along with everything else? My feeling is, that we need some kind of escape from the insanity that is seemingly all around us in so many different forms. I get that the optics are "complicated" given so many are struggling so much right now. So yes, I think its Ok to have reviews and articles about expensive and exclusive items, be they cars, homes, watches etc. We could all use a break from all the sadness right now.

I would be sorely disappointed if I thought that you conceived this thread as anything other than tongue in cheek. Please, please assure me that you're only joking... No, never mind, you must be...right?
The people who they are appealing to are not affected in any way by the current economic crisis. 30k to them is like 30 to me. God bless them and may they stay healthy. My wife is a nurse and I can assure you that covid19 is not concerned with your portfolio. 
Wow, they are expensive.. No doubt..

I read, I didn't drink, not even a sniff..

I actually like the look of the little Freyas +, more. Its not an integrated but for that type of money....And Class Ds to boot. I don't care what it sounds like..or they spent on it, It's a class D. with a humpty dumpty DAC.  I'm liking mine way to much with that price tag.

Cost of living must be crazy in that little production town..
50 euro, beers, and 100 euro, sauerkraut, and 1000.00 euro, sausages.
All I can figure.. Narrow road access, only passable in spring...LOL

I find it interesting that some of the people decrying these wanton cash outlays are the very ones that have spent multiple thousands of dollars on senseless gimmicks, snake oil and audiophile jewelry, and who will defend their purchases with the very same word salad.