Sean: Oh also, even though you have listened to many many Hi-End items, it doesn't mean that your taste is as general as the public trend out there, honestly some people DO like the SACD1000 but sonically, I realy wouldn't recommended.
Its worth it as a $400.00 do-everything-player, but it's DEFINITELY NOT the choice as a redbook "reference cd player" Apparently, NOT ONLY ME has the same problem with the SACD1000! Read the other thread! I seen AT LEAST 10-15 people are disatisfied with it's top and bottom, even YOURSELF has a thread saying that the top is a little bit roll-off... and you are telling me that I have a split personality and have a problem and shall I go see a doctor? I think you do, not me... Yes I have made another thread saying that I am happy with the sound and may do a mod... I AM A TECH AND I DO MOD MYSELF!! It's consider an activity to me, and unlike all others I dont pay 200% of the unit retail price to get the unit mod by others trying to squeeze out 25-50 more percent of it's sonic ability, also ruin it's warranty. I am a tech. myself that's why I mod and fix as well if anything...
YES, I WILL SAY ITS WORTH IT FOR $400, SO THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME SAYING THAT I AM HAPPY WITH MY PURCHASE. Truefully... I am! I use it with my Secondary Bedroom HT anyways.... READ THREADS IN AUDIOREVIEW.COM AS WELL... You should find half the poeple there been saying SACD1000 sounds warm BUT YET KINDA OF DIM AND ROLL UP TOP WITH LESS DEFINED BOTTOM. It's apparently not good enough as a reference as other says, but what can you expect from a $400.00 unit?
Oh, if you expereience a lot of Hi-End gears, that doesn't mean that you have a God of Ears with a neutral judge... A lot of the current Hi-End audio gear are all colored in tonal characteristic anyways. I just think that as a SACD/CD player it deals with a high resolution format and SOULD have a good top end as well as to it's resolution...
My Tara Labs AIR 3 do sound bright with my SACD1000. Did you ever own a pair of AIR 3, so then? As I said, don't listen to others but trust your ears. You said you never heard people saying that Taras are bright, go take a look in and do a slight search on Audiogon Threads... it may help you understand AIR 3 =)
ALso, I have the filter set to 3 with no filteration as you and other suggested, changes are super subtle butwhen I plug it into my Main System it sound a bit more opened up on top, BUT YET STILL NOT AS GOOD AS I THINK IT SHOULD BE? As a retail price of $1599.99 MSRP, I expect a whole lot more, but since I got it for $400.00 then what can I expect? I dont really get offensive but here in audiogon, if you like the thread you answer if you dont agree you say so but dont try to start a fight here...
Threads are for people to tell others if they like or dont like, place to discuss not argue... I like sound like this, doesnt mean you will... and seriously I dont think I have problem with my listening and setting because other people has tell the same problem out there in other threads.
Its worth it as a $400.00 do-everything-player, but it's DEFINITELY NOT the choice as a redbook "reference cd player" Apparently, NOT ONLY ME has the same problem with the SACD1000! Read the other thread! I seen AT LEAST 10-15 people are disatisfied with it's top and bottom, even YOURSELF has a thread saying that the top is a little bit roll-off... and you are telling me that I have a split personality and have a problem and shall I go see a doctor? I think you do, not me... Yes I have made another thread saying that I am happy with the sound and may do a mod... I AM A TECH AND I DO MOD MYSELF!! It's consider an activity to me, and unlike all others I dont pay 200% of the unit retail price to get the unit mod by others trying to squeeze out 25-50 more percent of it's sonic ability, also ruin it's warranty. I am a tech. myself that's why I mod and fix as well if anything...
YES, I WILL SAY ITS WORTH IT FOR $400, SO THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME SAYING THAT I AM HAPPY WITH MY PURCHASE. Truefully... I am! I use it with my Secondary Bedroom HT anyways.... READ THREADS IN AUDIOREVIEW.COM AS WELL... You should find half the poeple there been saying SACD1000 sounds warm BUT YET KINDA OF DIM AND ROLL UP TOP WITH LESS DEFINED BOTTOM. It's apparently not good enough as a reference as other says, but what can you expect from a $400.00 unit?
Oh, if you expereience a lot of Hi-End gears, that doesn't mean that you have a God of Ears with a neutral judge... A lot of the current Hi-End audio gear are all colored in tonal characteristic anyways. I just think that as a SACD/CD player it deals with a high resolution format and SOULD have a good top end as well as to it's resolution...
My Tara Labs AIR 3 do sound bright with my SACD1000. Did you ever own a pair of AIR 3, so then? As I said, don't listen to others but trust your ears. You said you never heard people saying that Taras are bright, go take a look in and do a slight search on Audiogon Threads... it may help you understand AIR 3 =)
ALso, I have the filter set to 3 with no filteration as you and other suggested, changes are super subtle butwhen I plug it into my Main System it sound a bit more opened up on top, BUT YET STILL NOT AS GOOD AS I THINK IT SHOULD BE? As a retail price of $1599.99 MSRP, I expect a whole lot more, but since I got it for $400.00 then what can I expect? I dont really get offensive but here in audiogon, if you like the thread you answer if you dont agree you say so but dont try to start a fight here...
Threads are for people to tell others if they like or dont like, place to discuss not argue... I like sound like this, doesnt mean you will... and seriously I dont think I have problem with my listening and setting because other people has tell the same problem out there in other threads.