Inexpensive Good Vintage Turntables?

I'm considering buying a turntable again. I've been without one for going on 10 years. This time around, could you recommend some really good inexpensive models (prefer belt but DD OK, too). And carts (preferably modern) that will work with them? And who are good online sellers of restored models? I know very little about vintage turntables ...


@lohanimal Amazon tables are great, never listened to One but i really liked model Two with Moerch DP-6 arm. 


I bought a VPI HW MK II in 1986.

In 2014, I wanted to upgrade. I was going to buy a VPI Classic, but noticed the change in design philosophy. I called and asked Harvey about it.

He told me that the lead ring used to make a HW was banned, therefore the new designs. He said to save myself $4,000 and simply upgrade the HW MK II to a MK IV. The table is just as good as the Classic.

So I did. I’ve basically been using the same table for 36 years. I replace the belt every 5 years or so.

My speakers are 66 years old. 

I bought a HW-19jr in 1989. Upgraded it as far as I could go through VPI. Then started DIYing the table. Bought a Classic 3 Sig SE around 3 years ago. The Classic is a much more dynamic table that can reach lower with more authority. The HW bases are too resonant. The inverted bearing is superior and/ thus the platter is self-leveling.

Meant to write self-centering. My non-inverted bearing/platters would get off center after a long session. My leveling set screws had points too.

try to find Technics SL1200MK4 in good condition, in US you will be needed to replace power transformer from 100V AC to 115V AC, plenty available for SL1200MK2/5.

Key features: DD, 33 1/3, 45, 78 rpm, titanium arm which dampens resonances well, RCA connectors, which is allowing to use cable of your choice.

I found this “old” Technics design the best for everyday listening, and it is a perfect match for Audio Technica AT150MLX MM, and AT-ART9/7 MC carts. No rumble noise, tight bass, stable speed, heavy mat, perfect tracking.