Inexpensive Tri-Wire Cables

I'm looking for a pair of tri-wire cables for my Definitive Tech BP2000s. Also, a single run for the center chanel speaker of the same type of cable. Any suggestions?
That is a great suggestion, Marakanetz, but I am no DIY'er, and would prefer something that has been manucfactured specifically for Tri-wire use and has been factory or dealer terminated. I'm beginning to think that I am asking for too much by including the sepecification that it also be inexpensive... =]
Some years ago Straight Wire tri-wired a cable for me for a nominal extra charge. It was their top of line Crescendo cable, but I got the impression they would also do it on their other cables as an accommodation. They seemed very decent people to deal with.
As far as I know, Linn K600 is the most inexpensive triwire cable available. It is not pretty, but it looks like it means business, and it sounds great!
Try DH Labs Silversonic. Its relatively inexpensive and can be done it three seperate runs, terminated together at the amp end. Would be a little bulky.
I bought some custom DH Lab tri-wire cables from Jeff Delman of Value Audio. He advertises on Audiogon. He's very helpful and has a wide selection of terminators. Search on DH Lab and look in the classified area.