Inexpensive Tube Amps

Anyone have any experience with the following?  I want to try one just to see how the sound compares to my Yamaha and Denon solid states.  Since the Denon is living on borrowed time I will likely have to replace it this year anyway.  Looking at the Nubsound and noted a Germtune that is identical to the Nubsound but costs a bit more.  Reviews are largely good including those on other forums.
I own mostly McIntosh, made in Binghamton, NY for the last 70 years or so. I do own GE Triton References and Triton 1 speakers, both Made In China, but the company is American owned and I never heard of any of their stuff catching fire. With the Trade War, we will probably be paying more than $100.00+ more for cell phones when the new models come out.
I have a pair of Mid Monos.... they are great amps.   I love them.  I bought a mint pair that was about a year and a half old for $1050, but honestly they are worth their asking price.    Mike Sanders support is top notch, one of the bsst in the biz.
The Quicksilver amps that I have owned have never let me down and sound great. Very affordable as well as made in North America. They have just released an integrated. 
PrimaLuna, their Dialogue Premium HP amplifier is to die for. Absolutely stunning sound and dynamic and built better than amps costing 3 times as much. Truly the best amp my Magnepans have ever played with. Glorious sound.

In the process of downsizing, I just sold my pair of Quicksilvers.  Lovely sound, the kind which all but a handful of Chinese product cannot approach.  Apart from the need for avoiding brittle (JJ) 5AR4 rectifiers, never a hiccup.  The dead simple (Dynaco) circuit, and the use of readily available parts provide both sonic and long term ownership benefits.  Apart from a transformer failure, an owner who understands tube amps (or any technician) will be able to keep it on the road indefinitely.

DEFINITELY recommended