Inexpensive Tube Amps

Anyone have any experience with the following?  I want to try one just to see how the sound compares to my Yamaha and Denon solid states.  Since the Denon is living on borrowed time I will likely have to replace it this year anyway.  Looking at the Nubsound and noted a Germtune that is identical to the Nubsound but costs a bit more.  Reviews are largely good including those on other forums.
@will62 I checked out the Gemtune online store after looking at your links. Much of their stock is marked "Sold Out", though they still have the Amazon model available for the same price. They also feature several Yaquins, which are significantly more, but add some street cred to the storefront.

FWIW, $269 is NOT that big of a gamble when it comes to an amplifier! Especially with Amazon's return policy.

There's a review of a Nobsound product here:

Though not the 6P1, it does bring up some good and bad points; however, when it comes to repair, you probably know a good electronics shop in your area that could bench test and repair anything that went wrong with the unit. And again, it's only $240. Some audiophiles spend that much on a wall outlet, for some reason.
@pawlowski6132 And that's why audiophilia as a hobby is dying out.

I mean, anyone who's interested in good sound should be considered fairly, whether or not they can "blink" at dropping 10 G's on a component. If someone's blinded into equating money with value, that's their myopia.
I appreciate the additional and more supportive feedback on this subject.  Simply put I have a finite amount of dollars to work with and a budget to stick to.  I've got so many other projects that consume money and time and also other things to buy like a new computer printer, computer etc.  That leaves only a certain amount of money for the audio these days.

Just got the Miniwatt N3 aka TubeCube7.  Swapped out the stock pre amp tube for a Mullard 12ax7 (new new stock) and it sounds great.  Better than my old Yamaha A500 which is bi wired into the Castle Conway 3 towers.  Using the Mirage OM 10 towers with the TubeCube7 and the sound is better than I had hoped.  Will look at upgrading the power tubes in the near future.  
Fortunately I have a good repair shop in the area.  Already have used them for a couple of things.  At some point I may spend a bit more on a tube amp if the Yamaha A500 bites the dust.  But will worry about that if the time comes.
I should mention that the TubeCube7 drives my Mirage OM 10 towers just fine.  Six ohm and 91 db sensitivity. I gets more than loud enough to hear in 30 feet away or two rooms away from the living room. The 8 ohm Castles don't work well with it.  

To those that think my attitude stinks.  Not really.  I don't have much disposable income right now and won't for quite some time.  I was quite clear about what I wanted and what I could spend yet many of you were off on another tangent and trying to push me in a direction i.e. products that don't interest me or I cannot afford.  That is NOT being helpful at all.

Right now this little TubeCube7 is better sounding than ANY SS amp I've ever owned and it cost under $200.  From where I sit I made a very wise choice and stayed within my budget.