Inexpensive tweak

Just got back from a business trip to find that our cat had thrown up on my Audible Illusions preamp (unfortunately vented on top). Everything was dried up. Haven't looked inside yet. Not sure how to clean a circuit board. But I've noticed that my system is more revealing than before. I won't share details of exactly where on the preamp my cat got sick because I might want to try to market this tweak sometime in the future. :-)
Rockyboy; A 10/10 and 9/10 would be a great trade for the FMS ICs, but I just couldn't do that to an A'Gon brother-- after the experience you've just been through you need them. You've got a couple of gems there. Thanks for the yuks;>)

Zaikesman; "making an offering to the great white porcelin god". Cheers. Craig
Rosstaman; come to think of it, he has been on a steady diet of cat vomit! Well, actually, technically he does eat the whole cat but I'm assuming there's plenty of vomit inside'em! Maybe that is the key to audio Nirvana!!!
Subie: Yeah, I know, but there is a chemical difference between uric acid and urea, so I looked it up, and here's what I've learned: Urea (a byproduct of protein metabolism) is present in much higher quantities in urine, and readily combines with both acids and bases, while uric acid is normally present only in small quantities. On balance however, human urine is usually a mild acid - but with its obviously higher percentage of ammonia (an alkaline base), feline urine would seem likely to be another matter, although I couldn't find anything authoritative on the issue, so I grant your point until a vet or an organic chemist comes along to shed some more light. (BTW, fresh human urine was often used to cleanse wounds during battle in WWI, 'cause it's sterile [whereas the water wasn't], so how acidic could it be?).

Hey, whatever: I thought we were talkin' upchuck here! C'mon folks, let's focus! What has urine got to do with vomit?? :-)

(Aw hell - OK, now this reminds me of my favorite joke of all times [and it ain't even dirty]. My father told me this as a kid, and it didn't make me laugh until the absurdity of it hit me at about 20 years later. Some things in life are best appreciated through the passage of time, I s'pose. Here 'tis:

A man runs frantically into a crowded delicatessen from off the street at lunch-time, shoving people out of his way left and right to get up to the counter. Practically lunging over the top of the cold-case, the man grabs the deli guy by the apron-strings, and shaking him violently, fairly screams at the top of his lungs with a crazed look in his eyes,

"Cole slaw!!! Gimme cole slaw!!! I need cole slaw!!!"

With everybody in the joint stopped dead in their tracks and staring, the guy behind the counter stammers bewilderedly,

"Uh, I'm sorry, but we're out of cole slaw..." and holding up a large bowl, adds helpfully, "but we do have some of this potato salad..."

"Yeah, yeah - Just give it to me!!!" the man roars, and tearing his hat off his head and throwing it to the ground, yanks away the bowl, plunges into it with both hands up to his elbows, and scooping up two great globs poceeds to slather the stuff upon his head in a frenzy, rubbing it into his hair like a madman, potato salad flying everywhere.

"Hey!!" the counter guy yells in astonishment, "Whattaya doin' puttin' that potato salad all over your head?!!"

The man freezes and looks at him, hands still on head, the wild gleam drained from his eyes:

"Potato salad?? I thought it was cole slaw!"

So, what has this got to do with either vomit or urine? Hey, you figure it out - all I know is that, like Rockyboy's preamp story, this 'joke' seems to have something elemental to do with the human condition. Maybe you just had to hear my dad tell it, reverting into the New York accent of his youth replete with enthusiastic gesticulations [then again, maybe not: years later when I told this back to him, he denied ever having heard it]. Email me when you think of this years from now and it makes you crack up uncontrollably.)
First, thanks for the primer on the chemical properties of urine. Been looking for something to casually bring up around the office's water cooler. Now I have it. Second, I read the joke three times. Even asked my wife to read it. Sorry, we both don't get it. Can understand why your father would now deny hearing it. Third, now please get back on your medication! :-)