Hello Pmcneil, you are so right. I have used 4 12" woofers mounted in the floor above my besement. My home was built in 1908 and it is finished in a period style. The woofers are mounted under the sofa and chairs which have tall legs about 9" I think. These furniture items are not used when I do serious listening. I have a sweet spot just for me. This concession keeps the decorator happy, with my Klipschorns . And 4 woofers really sound great, spread around the 4 sides of the room. I paid about $ 90.00 for each woofer about three years ago. One of these days I'll try more expensive woffers, but they will still be in the floor. This is the 2nd home that I have used woofers in the floor and it is a plus for sound , the decorating is a second plus as well. Know if anyone can just get over cutting holes in your walnut hardwood floor, after all it can be hidden by a high chair, lol . David