LAND, they ain’t making any more of it I can afford. BUY LAND! I had a steady return over 37 years of 8.9%. Mostly open land close to LA. Tax lien sales. The stock market is the 90% of suckers paying the 10% of thieves.
Economies pretend there is money, budgets spend what there is. Not what you think there is. OOPS! What a concept.
I just cashed in all the IRA/Roth/CRAP. The only person that made money on that deal was the US government and the taxes they collected. Biggest scam since the skim of ALL the interest into other coffers that destabilized Social Security’s future. Along with adding SS monies to the GDP which it is NOT, until Nixon and a few others raided the interest and a few other thing from it. Same reason for the Teamsters takeover, US government still has it’s hands in the coffers of the International. Less expensive doing business with the "OTHER" bad guys. The Mob.
What is the market leveraged to now, 7 to 1. A fools market, no mater the outcome Ask the Dutch they never recovered from the Tulip economy. :-) 1650? See they had to sell NY. :-) Which is worth more New York or TULIPS?
Gold or Silver will not buy New York, BUT a land deal might? I say sell it. Pay off the National DEBT. Swap New York for Moscow, and maybe throw in Siberia. SOLD!!!