
The Bonn N8 was $399 in 2020. Now it is $549.

Either buy your stuff now or convert bucks to gold.

Newmont was up 5.4% today.


The Bonn N8 was $399 in 2020. Now it is $549.

Perhaps its been upgraded and enhanced to be even more superior than it was previously.   You don't get that with gold or silver or dirt.

Land sheesh!

Not talkin'' investments. Just the cost of stuff.

Brag about liquidity in recessions, blah blah.

 noske  perhaps it has been improved but I see no copy on that.

More likely an early price before good reviews. Ya snooze ya lose.

Look what happened with the new Luxman integrated…the recently announced 507Z is $8995…it’s predecessor was about $6495. Almost a 40% increase.