Inner Tracks Sound Raspy

Thought I'd try vinyl again. I have close to 100 old LPs from the 70s and 80s that I purchased when I was first became involved with high-end stereo. Admittedly, some of the old platters are in better shape than the others.

So . . ., to get started again, I wanted to start out slowly. I bought a refurbished Thorens TD 160 w/ stock TP 16 tone arm, which included a Grado Sonata cartridge. My first reaction, quite frankly, was surprise. I hope this is not audiophile heresy, but my old vinyl sounds better than my CDs.

But I do have a problem with the vinyl playback. It seems that the pick-up on the inner record tracks is a little raspy and distorted, especially when playing complex music such as orchestral.

The TT and arm appear to be working just fine. I double checked and reset VTF. VTA looks ok too. I also went on Vinyl Engine and checked cartridge compliance and I think the Sonata is ok with the Thorens tone arm. Finally, I increased anti-skating force and that seemed to help somewhat, but the problem continues to persist.

My question to my fellow A'goners is whether this is normal in the case of vinyl or is something else at play here?

Associated equipment is ARC PH-7 (phono pre); ARC Ref 3 (line stage) and ARC VS 115 (amp).

Thanks for the advice.
Thanks Misstl. I'll experiment with the tracking force. If centrifugal force increases as the spiral tightens, is it better to adjust tracking with a bias towards more or less force. I assume that the readings on the gauge are just estimates anyway, so I would think changing anti-skating force is at best a rough estimate of what's needed.

I think your comment regarding the condition of my records may be correct. The inner track distortion does vary somewhat from record to record, but even still, there seems to be more distortion coming from the inner tracks of even the better records.

Your comment regarding perpendicular arms causes me to remember the old days when the Rabco arm was the state of the art. However, for some reason, I suspect that even straight tracking arms present their own engineering problems. I guess that's why most arms are still pivot types.

Do you think that a better modern arm, like a Rega RB 301, would do a better job? I was thinking about an upgrade anyway, matched possibly with a Clearaudio Maestro Wood or Ortofon 2M Black cartridge.
One other possibility is they missed something in the reconditioning of your Thorens - perhaps a tonearm bearing that is a bit worn, dirty or under-lubricated and has a bit more resistance toward the label area.

You might check if a local dealer will let you demo a newer turntable. If the problem goes away with the new model then you've clearly established the Thorens needs a bit more work.
I just had this same issue. I tried EVERY adjustment possible....and still did not fix it. Turns out my arm was not mounted in the correct position. Make sure that the distance from the platters' center to the pivot point is the same as the manufactures specifications. I changed to the correct armboard, set it up using a protractor....and now it sounds like a dream!
Audiofeil and Macd: As I mentioned, the tonearm is the original stock TP16, which came with the TT. Audiofeil, when you suggest that there might be an "alignment problem," what are you referring to? The cartridge, azimuth, overhang??

Thanks for the thoughts.