Inside the Iso Acoustics mechanism

So what us inside the device? Springs? Dampening material or a combination? Thanks




Thanks for your reply. My amp is underlain by an amp stand, on which are six or so vibrapodes, then a granite slab… then Nobsound springs… then my amp. The Nobsprings definitely improved the sound. I know granite can be bad under a TT, but I felt that with the vibrapods I put under the slab isolated my amp enough. But, now I am starting to wonder.


I have been trying to avoid trying it (my amp is 100 lbs and I am 70… I would just rather not… I am getting lazy). Maybe I will just need to see if the granite is an issue.


@ghdprentice ,

You are welcome. But I would think that our situations are different. Loudspeakers can shake and move depending on the music playing, especially in the low frequency range. Components do not do that. And your granite is on a firm surface unlike mine which was on carpet. So you might be fine with your setup. Please consider that before you try to replace the granite.

BTW, you have a beautiful system. I am sure it sounds phenomenal.


Thanks for your comments. Good point about speakers. I have isolation platforms for my speakers on the list of the next upgrade.


Thanks for your complement. Yeah, it sounds incredible… really hard to drag myself away from… I am fortunate enough to have the best sounding acoustic space I have heard (completely by accident)… so yes, it sounds great.

Inside view of our Energy Room. All direct coupled walls ceiling and of course all the components. Included are our 3rd gen.Caravelle speakers and stands fully loaded with my new driver selection and simple unique crossover. Take a tour you may find something useful in your next build. Tom..


It appears in the cross-section view that the bottom elastomer disc contacts a piston and there is a top elastomer disc. I presume the durometer of the discs and the diameter of the piston have been modeled for different mass loadings.

The benefit of the Gaia's and others is the packaging you get to conceal what otherwise would be a Rube Goldberg arrangement we most certainly would encounter if we trialed and errored our way to a solution. They have done the design work for us and made them sturdy to be attached to speakers.

The brands with springs are doing the same thing but a spring is inherently tuned to one frequency and if you get it right, then hooray. If more than one spring, then I am not sure how they achieve their target. The Gaia's may have two different durometers, thicknesses, and diameters to spread their effectiveness across a band of frequencies.

This is my first guess based on my engineering experience.