Insuring Your Vinyl Collection and Equipment

My insurance company will not insure my vinyl and CD collection as part of my home insurance policy. It basically is beyond them how to deal with the collection of a couple thousand records.

Looking for suggestions on where and how you've insured your collection and even your equipment.

Thank you!
There are exclusion in any policy, BUT they have to name the exclusion. Money, jewels, stamp collection, there are a few. BUT if it's not named in your policy as an exclusion it is included. In other words you should have kept your mouth shut and protected your collection the best you can.. IF there was an issue of burst pipes or, (God forbid) fire, it is covered.. They may not have a way to value it easy but there is a way non the less. 

YOUR job is to keep an accurate inventory.. With pics of EVERYTHING you want insured... Everything you leave out or think is included, LOL may not be.. The PICTURES are for you NOT the insurance... They need to be in a safety deposit box. The insurance company can take their own pictures...

You have a lazy insurance person.. The purpose of insurance is just that..
To insure what you are NOT willing to loose.  They insure 8 tea cups, but you only drink out of one at a time...THEY replace only ONE... Silly way of thinking.. Insurance is a VERY corrupt business, I mean think about what they do and HOW BIG they are.. Not for paying out. They prefer you protect within reason and insure for a reasonable amount.

If you had a shoe collection, you think they could find a way to value it?
Silly as HECK on the part of the agent.. Change AGENTS and companies.. 

They are there to serve YOU not the other way around.. With NO claims on a policy and you doing your due diligence there should be NO problem with a policy covering your stuff.. DON'T be unreasonable and don't be so SMART about how expensive your collection IS... You were bragging up a storm.. With your collection all polished up..

Rethink your approach.. Be honest. Do you really think a LP or CD collection is a REAL target any more or less than they use to be?
I think less.. To the uninformed thief of today "IT'S TOO HEAVY", BUT more so for a second story man.. How many of those are still around..

They may be after your shoe collection TOO... My oh My... Just kidding..
Don't be showing that off to the insurance guy either...:-)

Added locks and security only HELPS your cause..

Beware of DOG on the other hand, does not!  You're actually admitting you have a dog to be AWARE OF.... Guilty before you ever step in court, by your own admission.. 

That is just what an insurance man told me. Omission can be explained, admission CANNOT...

Wise words OldHeavy. Love this.
Omission can be explained, admission CANNOT...

I asked my agent, she didn't even want to know what it was.  Just said it was covered.