cundare2 OP
In the words of Steve Martin, "EXCUSSSSE Me"
I am not advocating anything for you specifically, I simply presented an alternate way of solving it, i.e. step outside, look back in, especially for other people following along.
I don't know a damn thing about modern SS, I'm tubes for life. Thus I recommend that people looking for speakers ONLY consider efficient ones, don't even look sideways at inefficient ones. Your Harbeth's, 86db are exactly what I would avoid!
You love them, they aren't going anywhere, you have the funds, and are willing to consider modern lightweight power, off you go,
Take an integrated; drop it from a 10 story building, bust it into pieces:
Outboard Power Supplies
Separate Preamp (I say old school features)
Mono Blocks
Separate Power Supplies.
Cables, cables and more cables.