Integrated amp + dac for Focal


Looking for recommendations for an integrated amp with built-in DAC. Main inputs will be mac mini usb + optical for mostly 2ch music and some HT use. Will be used with Focal Aria 948 in 8 X 15 x 38 ft room. The NAD C372 with a Cambridge DacMagic 100 is what I'm looking to replace with the new unit.

I'd prefer to buy used and like:
Pass X250 (keeping the dacmagic dac)
Parasound Halo Integrated "HINT 6" 160 W
Cary si-300.2d

What do you think?

Thank you!

I was fortunate enough to snag one of the first pair of Focal Sopra No2's that came into the U.S., about 2 1/2 years ago.  To select them, I listened to a LOT of speakers, I was upgrading from a pair of Totem Fire monitors, moving my system to a much larger room as well.

I find the Sopra tweeter does much better with a smooth sounding amp.  I have heard them driven by "fast" sounding amps, and I found listener fatigue to set in fairly quickly.

I'll probably get slapped around for recommending this...but, I'd recommend you look into a McIntosh integrated, especially one with autoformers in the output stage.  I have heard Focal's driven by an MA6700, and mine are being driven by an MC452 power amp, and to my ears they both pair well with the tweeter.

Happy Listening!
ejr1953 -  interesting. I too hear focal is considered bright and pairs with smoother/warmer amps (like mcintosh) . I've only heard with my nad so don't have any other reference, and find treble is harsh and fatiguing at times. I will look at mcintosh but I'm always overwhelmed by Mc options, so appreciate the recommendation to look at autoformers. 

kalali - ideally used and $4k or less

How about a gingerly used combo?  McIntosh c15 and mc202?  I retired in Seattle and soon moving.